When you see auto insurance commercials on tv or on Youtube, they often make a lot of big money-saving claims. The thing is, have you ever tried to actually get those advertised rates or discounts...Read More
In the past the default engine most people think of is a gas powertrain, but that's not the only option anymore. Now affordable to everyone, here’s a look at the four basic types of powertrain a...Read More
Fun Fact: If you keep your tires properly inflated, it can actually save you money and keep you safe on the road, which is why it's important to check tire pressure regularly.. Proper tire pressur...Read More
It's been a busy day, and the last thing you want before you head home is a car that won’t start. The good news is that with some basic equipment and the knowledge we're about to provide, you ca...Read More
No matter if your car is brand new, or has a few hundred kilometres under the hood, sooner or later you'll see the Check Engine light on your dash. Modern cars can self-diagnose the mechanical and...Read More
Twenty years ago, the idea of buying a car with over 100,000kms would have been considered a bad idea. Reliability was more questionable then, and many vehicle odometers didn’t even reach six fi...Read More
Washing your car is more than dish soap, a sunny day and some great tunes. Dish soap is actually not a good idea. We'll explain a few simple techniques and tools can help you wash your car the rig...Read More
With the amazing weather coming up, there’s nothing better than hitting the road when the sun is shining on a road trip. But before you start that playlist, take the top off and start your cruis...Read More
Looking into purchasing a vehicle, like the many great options here at Finch Used Cars? There are some important steps you should take in order to help you avoid getting stuck with a car that will...Read More
Fuel economy is very important, whether you bought New or you chose to go the Pre-Owned route. The simple truth is that the car that's currently in your driveway is now a Used Car. Whether you pla...Read More